Koji A. Dae

A born drifter with plenty of dark stories, childbirth is the closest thing to eldritch Koji has experienced. Now she finds herself strangely settled in Bulgaria with two kids, a cat, and a whole lot of responsibility. She writes about things mothers see from the corner of their hearts and all varieties of human relationships -- with each other, with technology, and with the greater universe. Her work has appeared in Clarkesworld, Apex Magazine, Zooscape, Daily Science Fiction, and elsewhere.


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Erotic folk horror set in the heart of the Bulgarian mountains.

Scars That Never Bled

An exploration of Frankenstein and self through poetry and the tarot.

People are saying:

Couldn't Put it Down I started reading this at night thinking I'd read just the first chapter. It hooked me, keeping me up far past my bedtime.It's hard to choose a favorite thing about this book because I loved it all, but I'll pick a few of the things that really engaged me:The characters' relationships drew me in and held me captive. I was there, experiencing all of the building tension first hand.The setting felt like a character unto itself. It was perfect horror: a claustrophobic shack coming to life, isolated by dense forest that breathes down your neck and presses in on all sides.I especially appreciated the nuanced underlying explorations of mental health and the harmful gaslighting that can come from well-meaning loved ones.


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